问题描述 最近业务团队预发使用平台redis框架包(redis客户端使用lettuce,超时时间配置为5s)的时候经常出现命令超时问题。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : 2020-09-02 17 :04 :07 .029 dxy-live-extensions [lettuce-epollEventLoop-5-1] ERROR c .d .redis .lock .RedisDistributedLock - set redis occured an exception :Redis command timed out ; nested exception is io .lettuce .core .RedisCommandTimeoutException : Command timed out Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : org .springframework .dao .QueryTimeoutException : Redis command timed out ; nested exception is io .lettuce .core .RedisCommandTimeoutException : Command timed out Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .connection .lettuce .LettuceExceptionConverter .convert (LettuceExceptionConverter.java :70 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .connection .lettuce .LettuceExceptionConverter .convert (LettuceExceptionConverter.java :41 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .PassThroughExceptionTranslationStrategy .translate (PassThroughExceptionTranslationStrategy.java :44 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .FallbackExceptionTranslationStrategy .translate (FallbackExceptionTranslationStrategy.java :42 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .connection .lettuce .LettuceConnection .convertLettuceAccessException (LettuceConnection.java :257 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .connection .lettuce .LettuceScriptingCommands .convertLettuceAccessException (LettuceScriptingCommands.java :236 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .connection .lettuce .LettuceScriptingCommands .evalSha (LettuceScriptingCommands.java :195 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .connection .DefaultedRedisConnection .evalSha (DefaultedRedisConnection.java :1240 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at sun .reflect .NativeMethodAccessorImpl .invoke0 (Native Method)Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at sun .reflect .NativeMethodAccessorImpl .invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java :62 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at sun .reflect .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl .invoke (DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java :43 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at java .lang .reflect .Method .invoke (Method.java :498 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .core .CloseSuppressingInvocationHandler .invoke (CloseSuppressingInvocationHandler.java :61 )Sep 2 17:04:07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat[117]: #011at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy169.evalSha(Unknown Source) Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .core .script .DefaultScriptExecutor .eval (DefaultScriptExecutor.java :77 )Sep 2 17:04:07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat[117]: #011at org.springframework.data.redis.core.script.DefaultScriptExecutor.lambda$execute$0(DefaultScriptExecutor.java:68) Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .core .RedisTemplate .execute (RedisTemplate.java :224 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .core .RedisTemplate .execute (RedisTemplate.java :184 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .core .RedisTemplate .execute (RedisTemplate.java :171 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .core .script .DefaultScriptExecutor .execute (DefaultScriptExecutor.java :58 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .core .script .DefaultScriptExecutor .execute (DefaultScriptExecutor.java :52 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .core .RedisTemplate .execute (RedisTemplate.java :346 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at com .dxy .redis .lock .RedisDistributedLock .redisLock (RedisDistributedLock.java :121 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at com .dxy .redis .lock .RedisDistributedLock .doLock (RedisDistributedLock.java :92 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at com .dxy .redis .lock .AbstractDistributedLock .lock (AbstractDistributedLock.java :46 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at com .dxy .redis .util .RedisLockUtils .tryLock (RedisLockUtils.java :64 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at com .dxy .listener .AbstractMessageListener .tryLock (AbstractMessageListener.java :21 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at com .dxy .listener .LiveInfoChangeMessageListener .onMessage (LiveInfoChangeMessageListener.java :34 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .connection .lettuce .LettuceMessageListener .message (LettuceMessageListener.java :43 )Sep 2 17 :04 :07 live-uat dxy-live-extensions-uat [117] : #011at org .springframework .data .redis .connection .lettuce .LettuceMessageListener .message (LettuceMessageListener.java :29 )
查看redis服务器慢命令,慢命令设置为3s,但是最终还是没有慢命令日志 ;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # 查看客户端连接数 client listsinfo clientsinfo stats # 查看最大客户端连接数 config get maxclients # 命令执行超过3秒记录慢日志 CONFIG SET slowlog-log-slower-than 3000000 # 只保留最近1000条慢日志 CONFIG SET slowlog-max-len 1000 # 查看慢日志 showlog get
升级lettuce包,官方推荐使用5.3+稳定版本,但是升级完成之后,还是没有效果 ;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 @Component public class HostChangeMessageListener extends AbstractMessageListener implements MessageListener { @Resource private IMCacheService cacheService; @Resource private IMMessageService imMessageService; @Override public void onMessage (Message message, byte [] pattern) { String content = new String(message.getBody()); if (tryLock(message)) { } } }
with a stack trace like:
1 2 3 4 5 6 io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandTimeoutException: Command timed out after 1 minute(s) at io.lettuce.core.ExceptionFactory.createTimeoutException(ExceptionFactory.java:51) at io.lettuce.core.LettuceFutures.awaitOrCancel(LettuceFutures.java:114) at io.lettuce.core.FutureSyncInvocationHandler.handleInvocation(FutureSyncInvocationHandler.java:69) at io.lettuce.core.internal.AbstractInvocationHandler.invoke(AbstractInvocationHandler.java:80) at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy94.set(Unknown Source)
Check the debug log (log level DEBUG
for the logger io.lettuce.core.protocol
Take a Thread dump to investigate Thread activity
Command timeouts are caused by the fact that a command was not completed within the configured timeout. Timeouts may be caused for various reasons:
Redis server has crashed/network partition happened and your Redis service didn’t recover within the configured timeout
Command was not finished in time. This can happen if your Redis server is overloaded or if the connection is blocked by a command (e.g. BLPOP 0
, long-running Lua script). See also blpop(Duration.ZERO, …)
gives RedisCommandTimeoutException
Configured timeout does not match Redis’s performance.
If you block the EventLoop
(e.g. calling blocking methods in a RedisFuture
callback or in a Reactive pipeline)
Check for the causes above. If the configured timeout does not match your Redis latency characteristics, consider increasing the timeout. Never block the EventLoop
from your code.
解决方案 采用spring redis监听器方式,避免多个客户端连接订阅导致其他命令超时。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 @Bean public MessageListenerAdapter liveInfoChangeMessageListenerAdapter () { return new MessageListenerAdapter(liveInfoChangeMessageListener, "onMessage" ); } @Bean public RedisMessageListenerContainer container (RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { RedisMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer = new RedisMessageListenerContainer(); listenerContainer.setConnectionFactory(connectionFactory); listenerContainer.addMessageListenerliveInfoChangeMessageListenerAdapter(), new PatternTopic("IM_LIVE_ENTRY_INFO_CHANGE" )); return listenerContainer; }
Leetuce注意点 针对需要阻塞的命令最好针对命令配置超时时间,如下:
There are various options:
Configure a higher default timeout.
Consider a timeout that meets the default timeout when calling blocking commands.
Configure TimeoutOptions
with a custom TimeoutSource
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TimeoutOptions timeoutOptions = TimeoutOptions.builder().timeoutSource(new TimeoutSource() { @Override public long getTimeout(RedisCommand<?, ?, ?> command) { if (command.getType() == CommandType.BLPOP) { return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(CommandArgsAccessor.getFirstInteger(command.getArgs())); } // -1 indicates fallback to the default timeout return -1; } }).build();
Note that commands that timed out may block the connection until either the timeout exceeds or Redis sends a response.
对一个有千万个元素的hash执行hgetall操作, 或del操作.类似的这种操作都会造成Redis阻塞
对于这种大对象可以采用redis-cli -h {host} -p {port} bigkeys 来查看。但是该命令只能查询某类型中的其 中最大的一个key。如果你想查询多个。可以采用修改redis-cli源代码的方式(Redis的源代码是C)。如果不想修 改源代码的话也可以使用scan来完成。
在生产环境中,我们一台服务器的配置是32核逻辑cpu, 256GB内存。每台机器如果只部署一台Redis比较浪费。所以可能会一台机器部署多个Redis。通常会将Redis进程绑定到CPU上。但是在生成RDB文件或者AOF持久话时,就会产生子进程。这样子进程与父进程会产生CPU竞争。所以当开启持久化或者主节点。不建议绑定CPU